Residential Physical Security 

Your Home is the One place that you should always feel safe. 

To respond this specialized challenge, Golem Protection developed over the years and partnerships, one of the most advanced residential Physical security system in the world. 

We will protect You, your family and assets from intruders & internal threats (home invasions, burglary, theft, vandalism, damage-image and terrorism), cyber attacks, life-accidents and natural disasters.

YES, most of these threats are covered by insurances(..) 
However an Insurance don't cover Life or any serious loss or trauma and damage to You. Physical security's prevention avoids the emotional exhaustion, time, money and resources lost because of these terrible events.  

What makes Golem Protection system one of the most advanced residential Physical security system in the world? 

Recently, one of our clients asked us "what adjective describes the Golem protection system?".
- The answer came instantly: "A Diamond".

Because of the level of expectation by our Customers, and the level of protection we guarantee, we had to developed a technical Taylor-made solution close to the perfection. 

Long story short. We make your Home the safest heaven.. 
The system is minimizing the human interactions and potential mistakes, erasing any threats by using the last technologies to offer a level of protection via possibilities and options unseen on the market. For sure, we are taking into account Architecture, Design, Privacy in order to prevails the semblance of prison. 

You will enjoy your life and time at home while our Golem teams and IA protection system watches over you at every moment. 

To be one of the best in the World, the system is composed of the highest advanced technologies.

Autonomous Protection IA.

Technology is transforming how humans and machines work together. That’s why Golem is investing in the development of optionally-manned and unmanned systems that serve as a capability multiplier.  

We’re focused on connecting systems by ensuring every element is a collector, a sharer and a learner to move decision-quality data faster than ever before, allowing our autonomous security system to respond multiple, simultaneous, complex problems at a speed our adversaries cannot match.

Discover below our Autonomous protection IA system capacities.

Autonomous Protection IA. features

Autonomous IA Features.

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  • Advanced Autonomous software management control (minimizing the in-person monitoring.) 

  • Autonomous video analytics. (the software anticipate the movements of the suspects)

  • Autonomous Facial recognition and face detection.

  • Autonomous Weapons detection. 

  • Autonomous Anti-kidnapping detection. (Because Kids and Family are the most important to Us).

  • Advance Access control by face recognition.

  • Constant Information feed to the Residential protection team.


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  • Extreme Privacy & Intimacy respect. ( Constant live masks on the Residents ).

  • No need of any basic or advanced anesthetics sensors in all rooms such as a regular Alarm. There is no "classical" Alarm.

  • No actions required from the Owner to activate or deactivate the system. Enjoy your free life. 


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  • Fall detection & Drowning detection system by Camera analytics.

  • Fire detection system by Camera analytics. 

  • Autonomous Guidance. In case of Incident, the IA is keeping track on everyone and guiding safely the Customers in the safest Area. 

Defense System.

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  • Data Intrusion Protection. The system is self- isolated and auto-protected with redundancies. 

  • Invisible defense fences. A magnetic field of 3m wide with the highest level of security while maintaining the existing appearance of the Property. Unaffected by any natural elements. 
  • Extreme long range dual Thermal cameras, to establish controlled perimeters around the property. Up to 4000m. 

  • Ballistic Glass. Not just armored glass: the safest bulletproof glass in the world, made in Germany.


  • Autonomous Defense system. Regarding the local laws* An autonomous defense system (Rubber bullets - Tazer) is integrated in the walls of the house to protect the Owner. 

Drone Solutions.

Over the last few years we have developed via our Partners, a Ground and Aerial and Autonomous Drone Response Team. 

The deployment of autonomous systems help to maximize the operational effectiveness of the Global security while ensuring the safety of the human-in-the-loop across air, land, sea. The Drone Patrol is always ready whatever the conditions, day or night. 

Our team will work with you to design and fully customize a solution regarding the local Laws*.  

Our drone solutions can cover huge areas, locate, follow, illuminates, records the suspects, and use countermeasure such as flash-bangs/Cs gazs/smokes to stop and deter the suspects.  (No more inefficient sleepy guards). 

Safe Room - Panic Room

Safe Room - Panic Room and Hurricane Safe Room.

We design and build safe heaven up to 150m2 including the highest level of ballistic doors and the latest technologies in order to offer you a total protection, whatever happens. 

We integrate your project into a new or pre-existing building. Our team will work with you to design and fully customize a solution to meet your unique needs. 


To ensure the highest level of protection for your safety, we have been developing this Global defense system regarding the military strategy - concept of “Defense in depth”. 

Defense in depth is a concept used in Protection in which multiple layers of security controls (defense) are placed throughout a Multi-factor authentication Intrusion detection systems. 

The idea behind the defense in depth approach is to defend a system against any particular threats or life accidents using several independent methods. It is a layering tactic, conceived. 

It's intent is to provide redundancy in the event a security control fails or a vulnerability is exploited that can cover aspects of personnel, procedural, technical and physical security for the duration of the system's life cycle...


"Great things in business are never done by one person; they're done by a team of peoples" - Steve Jobs.

Making Golem Protection system one of the most advanced residential Physical security system in the world is the result of Years of hard work but also strong and amazing partnerships. 

Major key ally with an unbeatable degree of legitimacy, Senstar provide the world most innovative perimeter intrusion detection systems, intelligent video management, advanced video analytics and access control to protects with an unrivaled experience high risk assets in markets that require the highest levels of security. 

At Golem Protection, we are extremely proud to count Senstar as one of our strategic partners.  

Residential Physical Security Request:


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