What makes us different?
Golem Global Risk Management Protection Company is a singular protection Company, started by a group of active Special forces - Tier 1 - on the way to get retired. The 22's.
The bridge was clear... from the highest field operators to gentlemen protectors with a strong proven exemplary culture of Customer service Excellence... Who could ask for more?
"Golem" In the mythology is an artificial being generally Humanoid made by clay, shaped to assist or defend his creator. We recognize here the notion of protective servant.
To provide You the right answer to the question "What makes us different?", we are delighted to share below our vision in 6 Articles.
In thanking You for the interest You place in Golem Protection, we wish You interesting reading. May this articles enlight your vision..
1. What makes us different?
> "Our Experience".
Presently, with an accumulated top operational knowledge/experience over 2000 Years, Golem Protection out of the ordinary field experience is considered one of the best in the World...
However, no misunderstanding : Field experience didn't means Rambo's under steroids.
Instead, the company is today composed of an international team of 130 ex-Tier 1 & Tier 2 to offer the highest operators skills on the market ever.
We guarantee our clients the best level of service, always delivered by subject matter experts, highly trained reliable professionals, brilliants and intelligence driven from exceptional backgrounds.
Working in the Protection Industry with Ultra high net worth Customers have been pushing beyond the limits quality customer service and gentlemanly as part of our DNA company culture.
To quote the now-famous motto: "We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen." We provide Exclusive Services for Exclusive Customers, by delivering Excellence to protect and ensure our Clients journey all around the world.
No matter what..
2. What makes us different?
> "Ethics".
Behind Quality, Reputation and Excellence, Ethics is one of the most important criteria to respect.
At GOLEM Protection, we are deeply committed to legal, moral and ethical behavior, as it is the cornerstone of our culture and the way in which we conduct business to provide Exclusive Services to our Exclusive Clients. "Excellence or Nothing".
We abide by an exacting code of ethics, guaranteeing respect and total confidentiality of our Clients. In our profession, silence is golden..
3. What makes us different?
> "Social Medias".
Working in the protection Industry with ultra high net worth Customers, our mission is to protect You, your lifestyle and your privacy.
We are witnessing more and more "bodyguard" (negative term in the security industry to refer to unskilled personnel hired for pseudo protection) and agencies trying to becoming "stars" and "famous" on Facebook, Instagram, and others social platforms.
Beside the disregard for our profession, this unprofessional phenomenon of disclosing information "wittingly or unwittingly" about Customers or others operators, pictures, location, jets, cars (...) has led to serious security breaches and compromising the safety of multiple Clients. (E.g. a picture of a private jet can give us a lot of information such as where is the final destination, who is the customer, who is the protection team. And more).
With threats like physical attacks, kidnappings, cyber-attacks, paparazzi, and other criminal activities, it is vital to preserve secrets.
At Golem Protection, Ethics matter. As I am sure you may already have noticed, you will never find our company neither one of our operators on Facebook nor Instagram. We guaranteeing respect, safety and total confidentiality of all our Clients.
In our profession, silence is golden..
4. What makes us different?
> "Associations".
Over the past few years we heard by few customers making their due diligence a recurrent question : "Why are You not affiliated with some Bodyguard/Security Associations?"
This very interesting question is deserving the most honest answer, with the greatest respect for our Peers and without a hint of self-serving political arrogance.
For some of our Customers, being affiliated to one of these Protection associations was synonym of reassurance or standards. In fact, our personal analysis of the reality is unfortunately slightly different :
Most of these Protection associations are business associations trying to play a games of Thrones for Power and Money. There is no serious selection of membership. Just membership.
If it was, most probably all of basic "bodyguards companies" or "bodyguards academies" were non able to join in. We are seeing daily new "bodyguards" (negative term in the security protection industry "the Circuit" to refer to unskilled personnel hired for protection) getting certified after 5-10-15 days of training. ONLY. (For the record, decades of field operational for Golem).
Worst, these academies are training them with plate carriers, helmets and carbines. We are curious to see those "new experts" running around like this in New-York, Singapore, London, Dubai or the French Riviera... This Dummies over-flood, impact significantly the global quality of the security protection world and give to non educated Customers a misconception of real Protection.
As a quick reminder, the core of our business is to Protect the Life our Customers. "Only".
In a perfect world, Organizations and Standards should have been extremely interesting and progressive. However these have to be in the interest firstly of our Customer's needs and secondly of our Profession.
At the end of the day, we will continue apart with our Standards and responding our Customer's needs by providing Exclusive Services to our Exclusive Clients.
"Excellence or Nothing".
5. What makes us different?
> "Customer and Protection knowledge"
Most of our Customers possess an exceptional business vision and expertise. However they do not always possess, an adequate experience in or knowledge of Executive Protection and security.
By these following lines, we will get a quick better understanding between effective and ineffective security - Protection and their consequences.
An effective security - Protection is :
- Above all, "identifying understanding responding" all Customer's needs.
- Extremely experienced, organized, methodical, adaptable and reliable.
- They will perform a constant advance work, due diligence, process risk & vulnerability assessment and threat investigations.
- Plannings, timings and logistics are extremely clear and precises, security plan is designed, superior liability insurance is provided.
- Emergency medical response is prepared regarding the needs, communications infrastructure examined.
- Extremely high and experienced operators profile, pro-active, with excellent manners and perfect gentlemanly are assigned.
- Approximately every 4 to 8 months,all our operators are psychologically - physically - drug tested.
- Standards are extremely high and all actions are drive under processes.
- The list is non-exhaustive (...). There is no degree of amateurism and improvisation permitted.
An ineffective security - Protection is :
- Little or no knowledge about Protection services.
- No clue about what we are talking above.
- Partial or total improvisation.
- Recruit employees / dummies certified "bodyguards" with 5/10/15 training days. ("bodyguards": negative term in the security protection industry "the Circuit" to refer to unskilled personnel hired for protection).
- Dangerous by their use of Social Medias.
- Rambo's under steroids and black sunglasses.
- Placing your and your loved Ones reputation (unnecessary embarrassment, privacy, lifestyle, Life in jeopardy.
Work with an ineffective security - Two cases:
Unfortunately, having the terrible experience to work with an ineffective security happens mainly in two cases:
- 1 - You were non aware about effective and ineffective Protection differences.
- 2 - By minimizing the costs for your protection services instead of relying on high standards quality of service.
ineffective security - Consequences and Risks
What are the consequences and risks facing :
- Damage to image and invasion of privacy
- Reputation (identity theft, revealing information online, ..)
- Robberies
- Home invasions
- Targeted assault.
- Kidnapping,
- In extreme cases : Assassinations.
To Conclude Chap 5. by analogy :
"A good protection team is like a car seat belt. When the road is calm, everything is good. The day you'll have a crash, you will thank god that we are your seat belt.."
No Matter What..
6. What makes us different?
> No matter what.
"A good sketch is better than a long speech" - Napoleon Bonaparte.
Taboo subject. Spot on.
In the protective world, everything is not always silk, roses and beautiful words.. If we knew that nothing never happens then it will be no need for serious protection measures.
Most of the peoples will think immediately the two answers we heard all around the world :
- "We are the bests, so well prepared that nothing can happens to us." - Protection company side.
- "It can't happen to me." - Customer Side.
With a societal norm based on myth that these things only happen to other peoples in other places, we are not facing the truth.
It can happen to You, even if you are well prepared. It's always like an apocalypse. Unpredictable, frightening and devastating.
Then decades of battlefield experience dealing with life and death situations will make the only difference in the storm.
To Conclude, at Golem Protection, "No matter what" mean three extremely important points to Us:
- It means that as Protectors of our Customers and their families or affiliated, we have huge responsibilities..
- It means that none of out Operators will panic or runaway..
- It means the total Commitment of our Operators to put our Life in balance as shield, whatever it cost to protect Yours..
Thank You for your Attention.